School Psychologists Nationwide Encourage All to “Find Your Focus” for National School Psychology Awareness Week
National School Psychology Awareness Week is November 11-15, 2019
Licensed psychologists and school psychologists at Summit Psychological Assessment & Consultation support our school-based colleagues year-round.
The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) has designated November 11-15, 2019, as national School Psychology Awareness Week (SPAW). This year’s theme, “Find Your Focus” highlights how school psychologists can help students identify strengths and areas of interest, develop persistence, see ideas and situations more clearly, and attend to important information in academic and social settings. Throughout the week, schools across the country will be taking part in events and activities designed to highlight how school psychologists, teachers, and other school personnel work with students to help them find their focus.
“We want the theme to help students engage in activities that build critical academic and social emotional skills,” explains NASP President Leslie Z. Paige. “For some students, finding their focus may mean being able to pay attention or to keep trying even when it is difficult. For others, finding focus may mean setting goals, identifying areas of interest, or applying strategies to improve their academic performance or social interactions. Finding focus could also include learning to stay on topic in a conversation, or to concentrate on improving physical skills. The theme is adaptable for all age groups and situations.”
“It is also important for school psychologists and other school personnel to find their focus, whether it is to enhance school climate, advocate for needed changes in classrooms, schools, or communities, or to develop specific skills and knowledge to use in their work,” adds Paige. “School psychologists can help school personnel and families achieve the vision of all children and youth being able to thrive in school, at home, and throughout life.”
NASP has put together a variety of resources that NASP members and other partners can access through the NASP website in order to coordinate SPAW events and activities for their own schools and practice settings (
In addition, several NASP programs are in place to reinforce aspects of this year’s theme. School staff can use the Student POWER Award to recognize those students who work to make a difference through hard work, personal optimism, and dedication of others. The Possibilities in Action Partnership Award recognizes the contributions of teachers, administrators, other staff, and parents make to support the needs of the whole child. The Gratitude Works program is designed to help students focus on positive relationships, mature socially, and grow an understanding of the world by fostering gratitude through a variety of activities.
About NASP—The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) represents 25,000 school psychologists throughout the United States and abroad. NASP empowers school psychologists to promote the learning, behavior, and mental health of all children and youth.
For further information contact NASP Director of Communications Kathy Cowan at 301-347-1665 or, or visit