El Paso County schools have announced that they are closing for 14 days in attempt to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. The decision to close schools has created an increase in anxiety and curiosity for children. One way to help your children manage their anxieties is to talk with them, answer their questions and give them some specific things they can do to stay healthy. Children will ask questions and make connections based on what they see and hear. Talking with them will ensure that you control the message and open a line of communication if they become worried or scared. As parents, you know your children best, and you know what types of information will help them. We wanted to provide you with a way to communicate information about the virus with your children. The attached video has been shared across the country and gives parents some vocabulary and ways to describe the virus in kid friendly terms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2EiBzCnn8U