
Summit accepts cash, checks, and all major credit cards. We do not bill health insurance companies and we are considered out-of-network providers. Upon your request we can provide an invoice (superbill) for you to submit to your health insurance company.  Reimbursement from your health insurance company using Summit’s invoice is not guaranteed. Payment is expected at the time of service. Payment plans can be discussed during your initial intake session.

Fees are set by the referral question, type and level of assessment needed. Fees listed are estimates and the actual fee will be set when you schedule your appointment.

Individual sessions and consultation: $175 – $200 per hour

Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations: $3,800 – $4,800

Specific Learning Disability: $2,500 – $3,000



**Providers at Summit are not Medicaid providers. We are not allowed, by law, to bill for services for a child covered by Medicaid.